With so many options out there – how do you choose which web hosting provider to host your website?
It may seem like a hard decision to make. Rest assured, there are just a few things you’ll want to keep in mind when choosing.
- Server Uptime
- Security
- Quantity of Bandwidth
- Website Backups
Let’s go into each one now.
1. Server Uptime
This refers to the time your website is “live” essentially. With any hosting provider, there will be times when your site will go down.
Most of the time, this is because of things breaking on your website and is fixed easily. Sometimes though, the actual server where your site is hosted will get under so much pressure, it goes down.
This isn’t unusual, but it shouldn’t happen often (and downtime is almost always less than an hour)
Most companies will say 99.7% to 99.9% up-time. This is the acceptable range.
Anything less than 99.7% indicates unstable servers. Conversely, if a company claims to have 100% up-time, that should be a red flag as there is literally no way to ensure that, and the company is being dishonest.
2. Security
Make sure to contact the company you are planning to use and ask about their security procedures.
A good hosting provider will ensure there is a strong firewall in place to prevent attacks. At CanSpace, our servers are located behind finely tuned, and actively monitored firewalls that we monitor 24/7 for suspicious activity.
Our server software is also upgraded nightly to ensure any potential exploits are closed immediately.
In addition, we provide our clients with a web application firewall (WAF), based on regularly updated OWASP rules. This prevents against hack attempts to software like WordPress, Joomla, and even custom software – even when not properly patched.
Having a WAF is very important, but many companies don’t provide them. So make sure the companies you research do.
3. Quantity of Bandwidth
Bandwidth refers to the amount of memory or space on the server you get when you sign up. This will determine how fast your website goes and the amount of visitors you can handle.
Our plans start at 15GB and go all the way up to 500GB or more. The more Bandwidth you have, the more busy with content and visitors your site can be.
The one thing to watch for here – is companies that offer “unlimited” plans. Many companies run the shady practice of overselling.
They will offer “unlimited” plans, but throttle (slow down your site) if you go above their actual limits, as there’s really no such thing as unlimited. In addition, most companies that offer unlimited will have little to no support.
Stay away from companies that offer unlimited plans. Other than that – you should be ok.
4. Website Backups
At CanSpace, we back up all of our sites nightly, and we retain a week worth of back-ups.
In addition, the control panel our clients are provided with, cPanel, gives users the chance to back up their sites at any time they want manually.
Doing so ensures you always have a copy of your site in case something breaks or goes down.
In Conclusion
You should now be ready to make an educated decision when choosing your web hosting provider.
Remember, CanSpace is Canada’s leading hosting provider and domain registrar – powering some of Canada’s largest corporations. If you’re looking to get your website online, trust us to provide you with all of the necessities we mentioned here.
Ready to get started? Click here to find a hosting package to suit your needs! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on our live chat now.