Once your business reaches a certain size, a personal email address such as those ending in @hotmail, @gmail, or other popular platforms, needs to be replaced by an email address at your own domain name. It adds further legitimacy to your business and generally makes your company look more professional.
At CanSpace Solutions, most of our hosting plans include unlimited mailbox users. Here’s how to set up an email address in four easy steps:
1. Log into your cPanel account, go to the “Email” tab and click “Accounts”:
2. Select the domain name (if you have more than one domain), then enter the email address you’d like to create and a password. For your mailbox quota you should choose “Unlimited” unless you have other specific requirements.
3. That’s it! You basically have your email server all set up. You can access your several different ways:
- To access your Webmail account from our Client Area, click on “Services”. Click on the appropriate hosting service, and on your left side you’ll see an “Actions” menu. Click on “Login to Webmail”:
- You can also access your email using the specific URL provided to you in your “Welcome email”.
- You can also access your webmail directly in any browser by adding the port :2096 to the end of your domain name. (https://YOURDOMAINNAMEHERE.com:2096). This will bring you to a login screen where you can enter your email address and password to bring up webmail.
- Last but not least, you can access your webmail from within your cPanel interface. Go to the Email Section, click on Email Accounts, and then select Access Webmail from the links on the right hand side of the chosen email address.
4. Select a webmail client. The webmail client is the viewing interface for your email. If this is your first time accessing webmail you’ll see a screen with three choices of webmail clients. We recommend Horde as it has the most features.

Here’s a rundown of the three webmail client options:
Horde is easily the most popular option (it’s the one that’s selected by default), and also the one with the most features. It has a three pane format with a view pane. You can compose messages in HTML, and there are a slew of standard features all email users have grown to expect.
Notably, this is the only option of the three that has a fully designed mobile interface available, so if you expect to be reading or writing a lot of emails on the go, you might want to choose this option.
We also offer Squirrel Mail and RoundCube. Read this post to find out more about the differences between them.
Last but not least, we want you to know that at CanSpace Solutions, we take the functionality and security of our customers’ email servers very seriously. DKIM and SPF are enabled on all CanSpace accounts by default.
CanSpace also realizes how important it is that our clients emails are delivered correctly, so we actively monitor all our servers to make sure they are not on any DNS blacklists (DNSRBLs).
Questions about setting up your email server on your CanSpace Solutions hosting account? Get in touch with us!