Customer since: November 2016
CanSpace support staff have always been there when I falter, either as a safety net or a voice of experience. I’ve used other web hosting companies over the years, but none where I feel such a member of their community.
Michael hart, founder and ceo,

Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you are located.
I am a Canadian consultant and trainer with almost 40 years experience in quality management and organizational excellence. I live with my wife Beata in Ottawa, Ontario and together we have four children and nine grandchildren.
I am the founder and CEO of HUMAN, a company with the tagline “quality management for the human side of business”. I am a Fellow of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and have an MBA with a focus on Total Quality Management from the University of Leicester in the UK. Click here for my LinkedIn profile.
What is HUMAN?
HUMAN ( provides consulting, facilitation, training, and mentoring surrounding the implementation and improvement of quality management systems and management systems in general. Located in Canada’s National Capital Region, HUMAN has been serving local, regional, national and international customers in the public and private sectors since 1998.
Why did you get into this line of work? What’s the best thing about it?
I was attending McGill University in Montreal in their Civil Engineering program when I took a year hiatus to work and fund my next year at school. I was hired by a manufacturer in the automotive industry as a statistician in production whose role was to predict when and where defects might happen, so that actions could be taken before they do. Within a year, I was managing a quality department of my own and it became a lifelong career. The best thing about the quality profession is its sole aim of continual improvement for organizations and the people who work within them.
What does it take to be successful at what you do?
Quality management is so much more than quality control and quality assurance. It represents the entire structure of organizations, its processes and the people involved, its values, commitments, and culture. All of these things are intertwined within each other to create success. To consult, mentor and train leaders and staff on how to create that takes years of experience on all aspects of an organization, rather than just a single department.
How does CanSpace solve the objectives you have for your website?
I have been using CanSpace for years to purchase and securely hold the domain I need for my business and to host the website I built to attract clients. Because I’m not a large company, I’ve had to learn to do things that others may have people for, like build and maintain my own website. During that learning process and even now, CanSpace support staff have always been there when I falter, either as a safety net or a voice of experience. I’ve used other web hosting companies over the years, but none where I feel such a member of their community, rather than an unknown face in the crowds.