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Category - Customer Spotlight

Spotlight: Michael Hart, Founder and CEO, HUMAN.ca

Customer since: November 2016 CanSpace support staff have always been there when I falter, either as a safety net or a voice of experience. I’ve used other web hosting companies over the years, but none where I feel such a member of their community...

Spotlight: Klaus Stelzig, Founder, Lignum Design

Customer since: September 2019 Getting our website set-up with CanSpace hosting was super easy! The Control Panel offers all the features we need, and we appreciate the fast response times in their support ticketing system.Jana Briggs, owner, Bullet...

Spotlight: Audrey Whitson, Writer

Customer since: August 2018 Having a website allows me to market my books, blogs and writing events. It also adds credibility to my work and who I am as an author and allows people to get to know me before approaching me on social media or in person...